Elektor Helps: Keep on Making!

Join the Elektor Helps Projects Contest! [closed]
The winners
€250 voucher for the Elektor Shop:UV-C heat Arduino-controlled face-mask disinfecting device for Coronavirus by Jean.Noel
€100 voucher for the Elektor Shop:
- Touchless Jumbo Sanitizer for the pandemic by bera
- DIY Hand Sanitizer Dispenser without Arduino or MCU by Hesam_Moshiri
- Telegram interface for alarm control unit by pascal.tours
The contest
Click here for the Elektor Helps Projects Contest page (contest is closed).Everywhere people are launching solidarity projects to help others during this difficult period. Some have started to prepare and deliver food to hospitals, others make masks; there are companies that have repurposed (part of) their production facilities to make hydroalcoholic gel or spare parts for respiratory equipment. You surely have read or heard about similar initiatives where you live.
If you read this, then you probably have maker skills and the creativity to come up with practical solutions for problems. You also have tools, maybe a 3D printer, a CNC machine or a laser cutter; you may even have access to all of this and more.
Therefore, can you come up with an easy-to-build 1-meter-distance keeper or a fish-tank-pump-based breathing device or a touchless controller or some other useful thing that can be helpful to people with fewer resources?
Up to now we have been lucky and Elektor Labs is still up and running. Even though the staff present has been reduced to the stric minimum of two, all other employees continue to work from home.
At Elektor Labs we do not have production facilities. However, we do have a website with an international audience where anyone can post suggestions, and we have contacts all over the world. We know engineers and makers; we know big technology companies and bright, young start-ups. We can and will help with connecting people, finding solutions, technical advice, and production and distribution facilities.
Whatever you can do or come up with may help someone, somewhere. Therefore, keep on making!
Click here to post your idea(s).
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