SMS Alarm 4G and GPS Tracking
The master number is recorded in EEPROM as well as the status of the tracker. Active tracker, validates the sending of a GPS position at each detection of movement under alarm. The signal strength level (rrsi) GSM /31 is integrated in the messages addressed to the master. The GPS position is systematically transmitted at each restart of the object, tracker active or inactive. If the alarm pause is greater than 15 minutes, the UC is put into powerDown mode. The UC is woken up 5 minutes before the alarm is ac
Coupled with a BK-A7670E GSM/GNSS module, the whole allows to monitor movements, send SMS notifications and switch to energy saving mode after periods of inactivity.
It combines the power of a GSM/GNSS module with the versatility of an ATmega microcontroller and the sensitivity of an accelerometer.
The user can customize (the code !) delays and modes via SMS, making the device adaptable to various scenarios.
See : Upgrade to 4G, interface to replace a SIM800 with a BK A7670E
Ce projet est un shield basé sur un microcontrôleur ATmega328PB et un accéléromètre ADXL335.
Voir : Upgrade to 4G, interface to replace a SIM800 with a BK A7670E
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