S-O-U-P - Save Your Planet is a 1D game using a WS2812B compatible LED strip as display. The controller is a ESP32 WROOM with integrated WiFi capability. The ESP32 uses a simple web server interface providing a 1-button browser-based user interface on the connected mobile phone.

S-O-U-P  -  Save Your Planet is a 1D game using a WS2812B compatible LED strip as display. The controller is a ESP32 WROOM with integrated WiFi capability. The ESP32 uses a simple web server interface providing a 1-button browser-based user interface on the connected mobile phone.

S-O-U-P  -  Storyline:  
  Your space ship is on its way back home to earth. Earthlings are infected by a bad virus threatening to extinct mankind. Your ship carries the vaccine – code name S-O-U-P – that would help fight the virus. Earth counts on you to bring the vaccine in time. 
  Unfortunately bad-tempered aliens are trying to shoot you down by launching ammunition from their base located behind planet earth.
   Your ship is equipped with a protective shield that can be brought up on command for a short time span of approx. 1.5 seconds. The challenge is to bring the shield up just in time to neutralize the ammunition impact. If the shield is launched too early it will be down again when the ammunition hits the ship. If your ship is hit, it loses one of its five decks. After three hits your ship would be completely destroyed and earth will turn into a dark planet.
   You must reach earth with at least 3 decks.

1-Button-User Interface on your Mobile Phone's browser:   
(1) Connect your phone's browser to WLAN using address:port as displayed in the serial monitor.
(2) Click onto one of the three Start option buttons Easy – Normal – Hard.
      Your ship starts moving towards planet earth but also the alien base starts firing.
(3) A single blue button user interface showing “Shield“ will be displayed.
      Clicking the button will bring up your ship‘s protection shield for approx. 1.5 seconds.
(4) This is the only activity you have to focus on.
      Good luck and bring home your ship safely! 

For a more detailed description, see the attached SOUP.pdf file.