ClemensValens (99)

| Connect two potentiometers on one digital microcontroller input.

| 3 ways to make SPI compatible with WS2812B-type addressable RGB LEDs.

| A wearable ESP8266-based device with conductive-thread-compatible connections and a WS2812 addressable RGB LED string driver.

| People often ask us how to download something from or how to publish on GitHub. Here is how.

| A tutorial about using ESPHome to configure and connect an ESP-8266-based device to Home Assistant running on a Raspberry Pi.

| De meeste mensen gebruiken de digitale BME280 vocht-, druk- en temperatuursensor in I²C-modus. Maar wist u dat u ook heel gemakkelijk SPI ku...

| Here is a trick that allows you to connect one or more rotary encoders to a microcontroller while using only one (1) analog input.

| Een groot deel van de mensheid verliest kostbare nachtrust door snurken. Dat geldt zowel voor de snurker zelf als voor zijn of haar bed- en/...

| Here we present a specific application with a weather station built around the ESP32, which makes all data directly available online.

| Two versions of an MSGEQ7-based audio spectrum OLED display module.