monk99 (5)

Door monk99

| Spoelen kunnen hun inductie verliezen bij hogere stromen vanwege de verzadiging van het kernmateriaal, wat het toepassingsbereik beperkt. Di...

Door monk99

| Inductors may loose their inductance at higher currents because of core material saturation, which limits the range of use. This is a second...

Door monk99

| - Have an unknown inductor/transfomer? - A digital scope ..then with a tiny simple circuit and a pocket calculator you may quickly get th...

Door monk99

| Measuring capcaitors from 1pF to 80mF and/or inductors from 1microH to 40H using a low voltage method that is robust against parasitic paral...

Door monk99

| Measure capacitors without removing them from a circuit. The method yields proper values even if ssignificant effects by parallel resistanc...