Elektor Mag (Engelse Industry Edition): 60 jaar elektronica en Elektor
Geïnteresseerd in de geschiedenis van elektronica? In dit speciale Engelstalige nummer van Elektor laten we u kennismaken met zes decennia elektronica en Elektor. Download nu uw gratis exemplaar!
During the past 60 years, Elektor has chronicled and contributed to electronics history, from the transistors of the 1960s to the present-day MCUs and FPGAs. In this special issue of Elektor, we shine a light on six decades of electronics and Elektor. We also prepare you for the upcoming productronica 2021 trade show and the World Ethical Electronics Forum. Let's take a look inside the exciting special edition.
Inside the Issue
60 Years of Electronics and Elektor
The 1960s
Enter: Solid-State Electronics
The Transition from Tubes to Transistors in Dutch Higher Education
Tubes to Transistors
The 1970s
The Micro Movement
The Birth of the Microprocessor: The Intel 4004
Elektor in the 1970s and Beyond: Q&A with Karel Walraven
FORMANT - The Elektor Music Synthesizer (Elektor May 1977)
The 1980s
A Computing Revolution
The Battle of 8-Bit Home Computers
Audio Electronics in the 1980s: Jan Didden on Audio, Engineering, and Elektor
The 1990s
Digitization in the 1990s
Web 1.0: Welcome to the Internet: Computers Get Connected
Engineering in the 1990s: Martin Jepkens on ’90s-Era Tech and More
The 2000s
Microcontrollers for Everyone
Microcontrollers Take the Stage
The Microcontroller Boom: From 8 to 32 Bits in a Decade
The Rise of Arduino: An Interview with David Cuartielles
The 2010s
The 2010s and Beyond: The IoT Explosion
The Past, Present, and Future of the Internet of Things
A Decade of Raspberry Pi: Eben Upton on the Past, Present, and Future
productronica 2021 Special
Waiting for Chips: The Crisis Continues
Electronics Manufacturing Simplified: Felix Plitzko on Making Hardware “Less Hard”
productronica 2021 and the Future of Electronics Production: An Interview with Barbara Müller
Understanding Power Conversion and the Popular Topologies
Innovative Solder Wires: Heading for the Future at High Speed
EMC and Efficiency Optimization of High Power DC/DC Converters
Research Resolves One Issue, Opens New Opportunities: A Versatile New Flux Platform
eloprint Introduces a New Generation of Test Fixtures
Specialists for Embedded MP3 Modules, Embedded Technologies, and the Development of Customized Electronics
The World Ethical Electronics Forum
Ethical Electronics Companies and People to Watch in 2022
World Ethical Electronics Forum 2021: The Electronics Industry and Its Ethical Commitment
Ethics in Electronics: What Is Your Opinion?
Climate Neutral in 2021, Every Year Counts!: Interview with Frank Riemenschneider (SEGGER)
The European Green Deal: Batteries Included
Sustainable Development Goals
New products from the Elektor Store
Elektor Featured on The Creative Minds Podcast
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