Webinar: Printed Circuit Design in Altium Designer
07 december 2020

Altium presenteert wekelijks gratis webinars die ingaan op de basis- en geavanceerde uitdagingen waar ontwerpers en PCB-technici mee te maken hebben. Deze webinars zijn korte en doelgerichte live webinars die instructies geven met waarde en inzicht in de typische ontwerp- en layout gerelateerde onderwerpen, variërend van eenvoudige tot technisch complexe oplossingen met best practices.
Meld u nu aan voor het volgende webinar:
Printed Circuit Design in Altium Designer
Printed Electronics is emerging to become as common as 3D printing. With this fast-emerging technology, new possibilities have come into the manufacturing arena, allowing engineers and designers to develop products in markets never before realized. New substrates and inks are being developed to address various applications, from biomedical to aerospace and consumer electronics. With the emergence of many contract manufacturers possessing this capability, the cost is competitive. Quick-turn prototypes and volume production are now all possibilities, and with Altium 365 you stay connected directly with your manufacturer throughout the design process. Join us for this informative webinar to see how Altium Designer natively addresses the design of Printed Electronics.
Datum: 17 december 2020
Tijd: 11:00 - 12:00 CET
Taal: Engels
Doelgroep: Zowel gebruikers als niet gebruikers van Altium Designer
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Meld u nu aan voor het volgende webinar:
Printed Circuit Design in Altium Designer
Printed Electronics is emerging to become as common as 3D printing. With this fast-emerging technology, new possibilities have come into the manufacturing arena, allowing engineers and designers to develop products in markets never before realized. New substrates and inks are being developed to address various applications, from biomedical to aerospace and consumer electronics. With the emergence of many contract manufacturers possessing this capability, the cost is competitive. Quick-turn prototypes and volume production are now all possibilities, and with Altium 365 you stay connected directly with your manufacturer throughout the design process. Join us for this informative webinar to see how Altium Designer natively addresses the design of Printed Electronics.
Datum: 17 december 2020
Tijd: 11:00 - 12:00 CET
Taal: Engels
Doelgroep: Zowel gebruikers als niet gebruikers van Altium Designer
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